heya, this is @markhyuck_zone !
you can call me jillian (she/her) or just 'markhyuck zone/mhz.' i don't mind either (^ヮ^)ノ
i am a friendly neighborhood markhyuck-dedicated fan account here in ncity.
this is a place where i share my love and appreciation for both mark lee and lee haechan; them as individuals too but mostly as a pair (soulmates, the bestest of friends, as a ship, a great musical duo and everything in between.)
please know that i am not a fan base type acct to rely on for detailed and formal updates, reminders, promos, schedules, etc like archive and update accounts. this is a secondary acct i made so i don't disturb my non-MHzen mutuals on my main with too much mh content. this is my zone for markhyuck only content, hence the username 'markhyuck_zone'
i post:
✧ clips & photos
✧ gifs & screen caps
✧ (occasionally) photo or video edits
✧ tweets fangirling over mh,
whining about them and crying over them.
✧ an obscene amount of tweets containing
kaomojis / japanese emoticons (◔◡◔♡)
i may retweet or post tweets with food,
suggestive/nsfw themes, etc
so if you're triggered by or are sensitive to anything
especially if at a level that risks your safety
then just don't follow me.
i retweet:
✧ a lot of fan art
✧ any other mh content that catches my eye
NOTE: please don't complain when in my tweets
i use mk, hc, hyuck, mork and other nicknames
to call the boys instead of mark and haechan.
i do it on purpose so those tweets don't
end up in their tags or on top of their twt topics.
gif library
this is where you can find my gifs to save them.
i don't mind if they are used and reposted on twt or in other sites but pls don't re-edit my gifs or crop and take out my logo and then reupload. thank you!
⚠ if you open the site and save the gifs using google chrome app, the gifs do not save correctly (they don't move.) this is my experience on ios. not sure for android.
so it might be best to save them using a different browser (if on mobile) or on a computer.
curious cat
for any messages or questions that are not urgent (since i don't answer ccs regularly)
please don't send thread requests. i'm bad at making threads. lmao
*if you don't wish to see tweets of me answering ccs, you can mute: (mhzcc)